Late Night Poets

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ilem's PPT
English: Late Night Poets
Uploaded on December 5, 2016
views: 3,000,000+
Luo Tianyi, Yan He


Late Night Poets (Chinese: 深夜詩人) is an original Chinese song produced with Vocaloid by ilem, sung by Luo Tianyi and Yan He, posted to bilibili on December 5, 2016 evening. It spent 25 hours to get one hundred thousand views, and has entried the Hall of Legend with more than three million views.

This song was the first formal post of ilem after his three-month disapperence from the public (with two previous works deleted by the producer himself soon after posted), bringing back his magic melody and PPTV[1].

This song got the first place in the 227th Weekly Ranking of Vocaloid Chinese Songs with 1056493 points, and thus became the first song breaking one million points since the Weekly Rankings changed its rules from the 211th. Besides, it collected 46694 coins on bilibili in the first week after posted, breaking the weekly coin record (45796) set by Nine Times Nine Is Eighty-One. This song also got the "SUPER HIT!!" achievement in the 229th Weekly Ranking, and thus became the fourth and last song in 2016 and the fifth song of ilem that reached this achievement.

It has an official human vocal edition sung by 三無Marblue.


Official editions

  • Vocaloid edition by Luo Tianyi and Yan He:
    Wide ModeShow
  • Human vocal edition by 三無Marblue:
    Wide ModeShow

English covers

  • English cover by KBShinya and A路人:
    Wide ModeShow


Posted at: 21:37 Dec 05, 2016

One million views

Achieved at: 20:15 Apr 20, 2017

Spent: 0135 days 22 hours 38 minutes

Two million views

Achieved at: 16:13 Jan 05, 2019

Spent: 0760 days 18 hours 36 minutes

Three million views

Achieved at: 09:25 Jul 27, 2020

Spent: 1329 days 11 hours 48 minutes


Other Wiki The data or lyrics of this article are copyrighted by the respective owner, and are quoted for the purpose of introduction only.

Blue words are sung by Luo Tianyi, Cyan words by Yan He. Black words are PV texts.
English lyrics were written by 冷吟閒酔, used in KBShinya and A路人's cover

月光落在 我窗台
My windowsill does moon lie
四周靜悄悄 我還在 自己嗨
No man in my sight, only I'm left behind
半夜不睡覺 進入 詩人狀態
Stay up all the night, shuttle in poet time
我想大概我 上輩子 是李白
(German) Peraventure ich, ich have ybeen, ybeen Li Bai[2]

床前明月光 誰低頭 思故鄉
Moonlight shines aground, bowing down, who is drowned?
這星空三千丈 編一編 做翅膀
The milky way is long, pick a piece,make my chant
會唱的 一起唱 不會唱就和我 啦啦啦啦啦
Why don’t you sing along, or you just want to be la la la la la
夜還長 你打算 怎麼辦
Nothing is wrong,what you want is yet to come
黑夜給了 黑夜的人 一道光
Dark has given us beams of light on the pond
這翅膀三千丈 扇一扇 摘月亮
Reflected on my chant, shining bright, go beyond
深夜詩人 跟我一起唱 我們 啦啦啦啦啦
Late night poets catch up with my song, let us la la la la la
這夜晚 為我們 而璀璨
Just tonight, our minds brightly shine

每天守護 這夜幕 準時到來
Open my eyes, for the nights till it arrives
你笑我不健康 我笑你不明白
You told me to lie down, I told you, “Realize”
尼克斯賜我 一雙發現美的眼
Goddess Nyx[3] blessed me with my sharp and pretty eyes
可惜你睡啦 永遠都 看不見
Pity you’ve gone for, your mind has deadly died

床前明月光 誰低頭 思故鄉
Moonlight shines aground, bowing down, who is drowned?
這星空三千丈 編一編 做翅膀
The milky way is long, pick a piece, make my chant
不管 會不會唱 今夜請你和我 啦啦啦啦啦
No matter up or down, please just make it with me la la la la la
夜還長 我們要你打算 怎麼辦
Nothing is wrong, this is what, what we want
黑夜給了 黑夜的人 一道光
Dark has given us beams of light on the pond
這翅膀三千丈 扇一扇 摘月亮
Reflected on my chant, shining bright, go beyond
深夜詩人 跟我一起唱 我們 啦啦啦啦啦
Late night poets catch up with my song, let us la la la la la
這夜晚 為我們 而璀璨
Just tonight, our minds brightly shine

祝願所有 睡著的人 晚安好夢
May you sleeping people meet your Onirii[4]
我們戴上 耳機祝你 聽不見這 歌聲
Let us wear our earphones, have a fun time with Euterpe[5]
還有點時間 趕在天亮之前
We still have some time by the shining sunrise
Make the chant only for this night

床前明月光 誰低頭 思故鄉
Moonlight shines aground, bowing down, who is drowned?
這星空三千丈 編一編 做翅膀
The milky way is long, pick a piece,make my chant
不管 會不會唱 今夜請你和我 啦啦啦啦啦
No matter up or down, please just make it with me la la la la la
夜還長 我們要你打算 怎麼辦
Nothing is wrong, this is what, what we want
黑夜給了 黑夜的人 一道光
Dark has given us beams of light on the pond
這翅膀三千丈 扇一扇 摘月亮
Reflected on my chant, shining bright, go beyond
深夜詩人 跟我一起唱 我們 啦啦啦啦啦
Late night poets catch up with my song, let us la la la la la
這夜晚 為我們 而璀璨
Just tonight, our minds brightly shine

這夜晚 為我們 而璀璨
Just tonight, our minds brightly shine
(PV Text: Presented to all the night owls)


  1. Promotion Video (PV) produced with PowerPoint (PPT).
  2. Li Bai: one of the most famous Chinese poets, acclaimed from his own day to the present as a genius and a romantic figure who took traditional poetic forms to new heights.
  3. Nyx: the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night.
  4. Onirii: the personification of dreams in Greek mythology.
  5. Euterpe: one of the Muses in Greek mythology, presiding over music.